Weight Loss in Lockport IL
Chicago Anti-Aging Institute
16622 W 159th St #500
Lockport, IL 60441
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How It Works
- Natural, safe, laser light energy is pulsed and absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue.
- Supercharges the body’s metabolism through ATP synthesis to burn fat as energy.
- Waste products are expelled from the body via sweat, urine and respiratory exhaustion.
- The body continues to burn fat for up to 4 hours after treatment.
- Collagen and elastin production is increased within the skin layers to rejuvenate and repair skin cells addressing cellulite, skin laxity and stretch-marks
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Clinical Data (Statistically Significant)

Type: FDA, IRB Approved (NCT03811093), Double Blind
Timeline: 3 weeks, 9 treatments per patient
Sample Size: 800
Diet and Exercise: None
Outcome Measures: 95% Confidence Interval
Body Fat % Lost: 1.75% avg.
Pounds of Body Fat Lost: 0.52lbs per session
Fat Energy Metabolized per treatment: 1,761.66 calories avg.
Inches Lost: 10.16inches avg.
Adverse Reactions: 0
Success Rate: 100%
P-Value: <0.01%
- Added Metabolic Boost
- Non-Invasive Weight Loss
- Targeting Fat Areas
- Cellulite Reduction
- Body Contouring
- Skin Tightening
- Aesthetics
- Added Metabolic Boost
- Non-Invasive Weight Loss
- Targeting Fat Areas
- Cellulite Reduction
- Body Contouring
- Skin Tightening
- Aesthetics
- Added Metabolic Boost
- Non-Invasive Weight Loss
- Targeting Fat Areas
- Cellulite Reduction
- Body Contouring
- Skin Tightening
- Aesthetics

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