Our bodies produce their own natural hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, and vitamin D. These natural hormones are produced in various glands throughout the body and regulate an enormous range of mental and physical daily functions. If you are interested in BHRT in Lockport, contact our physicians today!
All aspects of aging are influenced by hormones. As the body ages, diminished hormone production and cellular receptor sites become less sensitive and responsive to hormones than previously required to create the same cellular response. In addition, environmental toxins, stress, and poor dietary decisions can accelerate hormone decline and perpetuate one’s troubling health symptoms.
It’s all about balance. BHRT is an ongoing program that replenishes hormones that your body is no longer able to sufficiently produce. By correcting age-related hormone decline with appropriate doses of key bioidentical hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid, we can give you the balanced body chemistry of a much younger person. This will not only help relieve andropause (male menopause) and premenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms but also promote better function, overall health, and longevity.
- Diabetes mellitus II
- Hypothyroidism
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Osteoporosis
- Metabolic syndrome
- Adrenal fatigue
- Alzheimer’s
- Cardiovascular diseases
Diminished quality of life isn’t a foregone conclusion. If symptoms like these have begun to affect your life, you could be a candidate for Chicago Anti-Aging Institute’s (CAAI) BHRT. This unique program is designed to bring one’s body back to its rightful youth’s hormone levels that were once experienced from eighteen to twenty-five years of age.
Please have one of the doctors or nurse practitioners of CAAI check your hormone levels before it’s too late.

Testosterone is the hormone that has the greatest influence on human sexuality. Low testosterone production can affect sex drive and sexual performance in both women and men. Low levels of testosterone can negatively affect the desire to have sex, cause erectile dysfunction in men, and limit arousal and orgasms in women. Stamina may also be affected in both genders if testosterone levels are low.

Typically, BHRT side effects are symptomatic in nature and only require adjustments in dosage or type of hormone administration. Unlike synthetic hormones, BHRT has no known clinical studies showing a risk or increased risk for cancer or cardiovascular disease.
It is always recommended that you communicate any side effects to your physician as soon as possible. CAAI understands each person is an individual and will address your specific hormone needs and requirements as such.
Although BHRT is not specifically designed to postpone menopause, it can. Menopause is a reduction and change in estrogen and progesterone. Many women take BHRT, not only to reduce symptoms but also to look and feel better, improve sexual relations, and experience a better quality of life.
When taking the right amount of estrogen and progesterone to optimize one’s health, it can take the body longer to reach a menopausal state.
This is where experience matters—having the right physicians who understand how the female body’s hormones work and change during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause to keep a woman feeling and looking great.
Some people may experience a little water weight gain initially, but this typically subsides in a week or two. Most patients start seeing changes in their body composition, and after several months they begin to see an increase in muscle and/or muscle tone and a decrease in body fat. Muscle weighs more than fat, and some patients may be concerned about increasing or staying the same weight. As long as the body progresses with increased muscle/muscle tone and a decrease in fat, your BHRT program is working for you.
Testosterone is one of the most vital and important hormones throughout our lives. It plays an important role in decreasing visceral fat and increasing bone density, muscle mass and strength, sex drive and performance, mood and cognition, and red blood cell production.
It is regulated in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and controls how much testosterone the testes produce and secrete. The hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release gonadotrophic substances (follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and luteinizing hormone [LH]). LH stimulates testosterone production. Most men with deficient testosterone have hypothalamic failure, not primary testicular function.
Testosterone has protective, repair, and rebuilding properties in our bodies.
- Improves lean muscle mass, strength, and tone
- Helps with bone production and repair
- Reduces risk of osteoporosis
- Reduces visceral fat
- Decreases cholesterol
- Helps reduce the development and/or likelihood of atherosclerosis
- Improves skin tone and collagen production
- Improves healing
- Improves libido and sexual performance
- Improves endurance and stamina
- Anti-depressive effects
- Improves cognitive ability
- Increases glucose uptake by the muscles, thereby improving insulin sensitivity
- Decreases triglycerides and Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL).
- Increases High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
Estrogen also has protective, repair, and rebuilding properties necessary for our bodies to function well.
- Improves energy
- Reduces risk and prevents urogenital atrophy and urinary incontinence
- Prevents menopausal hot flashes and temperature
- dysregulation
- Improves sagging skin and breasts
- Improves texture of skin, hair, and nails
- Improves libido and vaginal discomfort
- Protects against vascular plaquing and reduces arterial calcification
- Prevents coronary artery and vascular diseases
- Decreases risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
- Reduces risk and prevents osteoporosis, tooth loss, and rheumatoid arthritis
- Protects against Alzheimer’s
- Maintains good cognitive function and protects against memory loss
- Protects against colon cancer and gallbladder disease
- Stabilizes mood swings and improves depression
- Improves static balance preventing falls and fractures
Testosterone deficiency can have several effects on the body, including the following:
- Loss of sex drive
- Increase in visceral fat (potbelly)
- Poor metabolism
- Decreased sexual function
- Memory loss
- Falling asleep after meals
- Loss of bone density
- Decreased cognitive ability
- Type II diabetes
- Loss of muscle mass
- Mood changes and depression
- Decreased ability to heal
- Reduced muscle strength
- Fatigue and/or lethargy
- Poor skin, hair, and nails
CAAI is a multidisciplinary clinic. BHRT is just one of our specialties. If you currently do not have a primary care physician (PCP) or are looking for someone new, we can act as your PCP. Otherwise, it is best you stay with your current doctor, and we will be happy to work with any of your chosen physicians.
The most common decline seen in menopausal and postmenopausal women is estrogen. When estrogen levels become unbalanced, women may experience symptoms such as low libido and bone loss. An imbalance of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can lead to many uncomfortable experiences, such as night sweats, loss of sleep, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
Although women may experience fluctuations in their hormone levels throughout their life span, it is important to keep proper hormone levels, as well, not only to offset the symptoms above but also to reduce the risk and likelihood of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease due to declining estrogen.
Women are commonly diagnosed with a condition known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). HSDD is characterized by distress or anxiety related to the absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity in women. HSDD is the most common sexual health complaint among women, affecting one in ten women. HSDD can be a side effect of medications, certain lifestyle choices, life events, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, or pain with intercourse. HSDD may also be a result of psychological or emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. Relationship issues that affect bonding with a partner may also be a factor.
Hormonal imbalances can also play a significant role in female sex drive and sexual disorders. Estrogen dominance is a common condition that can affect sexual desire. If a woman has too much estrogen compared to other sex hormones, such as testosterone, she may experience low sex drive along with other negative effects. In contrast, low estrogen can affect sexual function. Many women who lack sufficient levels of estrogen will experience vaginal dryness, which can make intercourse painful. Too little estrogen is also associated with unstable moods and poor sleep patterns, which may affect sexual desire and activity.
Low levels of testosterone are another significant factor in low sex drive in women. Though women have less testosterone than men naturally, supplementing testosterone has been shown to boost female sex drive.
Thyroid disorders, which can affect metabolism, weight, energy, and sleep, and hair loss may also impair sex drive because of the lack of energy or affected aspects of self-esteem.
BHRT is a great choice to balance hormones related to sexual function and bring a woman to her optimal potential.
Low testosterone is frequently the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction in men. Low sex drive in men is most commonly linked to issues with sexual performance, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, stamina, arousal, and performance. However, men with a hormonal imbalance may also struggle with the desire to have sex.
Although low testosterone is the most commonly diagnosed factor for low libido and sexual dysfunction in men, it is not the only hormone to play a role. Men who are stressed, depressed, or lack sleep may also show disinterest in sex. These symptoms may be related to high cortisol, adrenal fatigue, or an imbalance of the thyroid hormones that influence metabolism, energy, and sleep.